1. That you are at Least 18 years of age...or a Legal Adult in the area in which you live.
2. That you will Not ever allow or facilitate access to this Chamber to minors or non-consenting adults through use of your handles and passwords, or by any other means.
3. That you will NOT use this chat in order to promote, exchange or otherwise engage in Child Pornography or Bestiality.
4. That All personal information learned online concerning the inhabitants of this Chamber shall Remain within its virtual walls. This is an Adult chat and topics may be explicitly sexual and/or personal in nature.
5. That you will NOT divulge anyone's personal information in public without their Express permission.
6. That you will in No way attempt to violate the Security of this chat, or the site in general, and that you will report any such violations promptly to LATCHES or Mistress Beauty.
7. That you shall hold LATCHES, The Chamber, Beauty's Castle, Beauty's World and its related entities harmless in the event any personal damage or upset result from your participation in this chat site.
8. These rules may be updated and altered at any time, as seen fit by LATCHES Administration and or Mistress Beauty, whose rulings on offending parties and transgressors is FINAL and ABSOLUTE!
The LATCHES monitors enforce the rules within The Chamber.
The Chamber is also governed by LATCHES DS/SM/BD rules of conduct.
The Chamber forum Monitors are:
- Alan's regina
- Mistress Beauty